I have been using Wireguard for about a year & a half, when I switched from ZeroTier to Wireguard for most of my needs. Unfortunately, since the start, my Wireguard configuration has been completely manual, and very annoying since I had to create a new interface for every client.
No more …Continue reading
Parks On The Air, or POTA, is one of the aspects of amateur radio that I have been enjoying -- both hunting and activating. Ever since I starting doing POTA activations, I have been carrying my equipment in a Rubbermaid container, which is bulky and heavy. The only thing it has …Continue reading
Recently, I discovered that I was not able to email my wife's mac.com address from my mail server here. Apple's support document indicates that they require DKIM and SPF, and that they support DMARC. I have long had SPF configured, but I had not configured DKIM or DMARC.
Over …Continue reading
Continuing my earlier post about my Yaesu FT-7800R install, I completed the radio portion this weekend, so now I can get on the air.
I had a Diamond NR770HNMO antenna, and bought a fender bracket mount for my F150. All I needed was an NMO mount and to fish the …Continue reading
This is not my typical type of post, but as I have said, communications and networking are things that excite me greatly. It's why I collect antique telephones, why I enjoy scanner and shortwave listening, why I learned the OSI model and have spent much of my career in and …Continue reading
I recently learned about the program
map type in the Linux automounter.
You can read about it here, but there is little information about it, and I was unable to find any web pages about it, so I am writing this post since it might help others.
The NFS automounter …Continue reading
As mentioned previously, I continue to be inundated with spam email. Fortunately, every spam has an observable email format: the email comes in the form of user@word1.word2.TLD.
This allows me to update my blocked_senders
file to defer every email in that format with a 450, using
this …Continue reading
I've been busy at home, but not working in my home lab. Lately I have been preoccupied by a few things.
First, I have been busy with prepping -- I can see how things are going, and I predict we will need stores of supplies, so I have been busy building …Continue reading
Somehow I have been added to several mailing lists, all run by the same organization. The emails look legit, and are ones that I might have subscribed to, but I cannot get off of them no matter what I do -- it seems that they ignore all requests to be removed …Continue reading
I have been programming in Perl since the early 1990s. My early scripts were what you would expect them to be, but my skill of course increased over time. I have never found a thing I wanted to do that I could not do in Perl and/or shell scripting …Continue reading
I am a system engineer in the Raleigh, NC area. My main interests are Unix, VMware, and networking. More about me, and how I got started.