• Network upgrade

  • Home lab · synology r610 · 2018-12-28 · Daniel
  • I have a 3-story house, and my office is on the third floor. Wifi connectivity in the bonus room over the garage was terrible, so I brainstormed ideas with coworkers and friends about how to fix this. As a temporary measure I ran a long ethernet cable from the office …Continue reading

  • testssl.sh

  • Networking · ssl shell unix · 2018-07-02 · Daniel
  • Last week, I needed to make some changes to my employer's production website, but before I made those changes in production, I wanted to test them. Unfortunately for me, our dev server is unreachable by Qualys, so I had to come up with another way to test those changes.

    Enter …Continue reading

  • Welcome

  • Website · 2017-10-26 · Daniel
  • A while ago, a friend suggested that I should start a blog. Around that same time, a coworker introduced me to DigitalOcean. I quickly set up a VM at DigitalOcean (that VM is serving this web page), and installed FreeBSD 11.

    I looked at WordPress and other popular blogging tools …Continue reading