I have been hard at work these last few weeks in my home lab, and have done quite a bit. Here are a
few of the things I have done:
- Installed sshwifty, a really cool, useful
package that a friend pointed me to.
- Built a T1 crossover cable to connect the two routers I have in my home lab that have a T1 CSU/DSU WIC installed.
- Installed Portainer on my production Docker Swarm
- Renumbered my home network from to I undertook this effort because
I have a NAS hosted at a friend's house, and his network also uses the address space, so
that made it difficult for me to get to my NAS -- sure, I could get to it, but every system that needed
access to it needed to be on my ZeroTier storage network. Now, I can route directly to it, and return
packets are routed to my network instead of to his.
- Deployed WireGuard extensively, using FRR, OSPF, and Anycast to access systems. Because of
CPU utilization issues I discovered after doing this, I might move my WireGuard routing/endpoint to my raspberry pi or to a VM in order to work around those issues.
- Added more monitoring under Kuma.
- Deployed a new NAS, a Synology DS220+ to take some load off my DS1618+ and to use it as cold storage.
- Through the generosity of a friend, I have replaced my three Cisco 2950s with two 2960-Xs and one 3750G.
- I have finished racking all my devices.
- I have cabled up my Cisco lab again. I have also connected the lab to my home network via my
Ubiquiti USG's
LAN2 port, so that I can route to it. I have console access to all of the devices, using a 4-port
USB-to-serial adapter
and some mini USB cables (for the 2960s) connected to my Raspberry Pi, but I also want network access.
The current lab setup, which will hopefully be useful for much learning, is shown here:
- I installed a patch panel, which cleaned up the rack a bit. Here are before & after pics. Because
my switch and router are not rack-mount devices, it's not as clean as it could be, but I still think
this came out very well.
Next up:
- Configure the newly recabled Cisco lab.
- Finish migrating data to the DS220+.
- Clean up the power and ethernet cables behind and below the rack.